html_responsive - this folder contains clean template version, without special tags. Use this version if you don't using any email sender service.
In folder campaign monitor email and mailchimp mail we have subfolders with specific email template for people who send email through mailchimp client.
In folder stampready email we have subfolder with specific email template for people who send email through stampready client. To use builder from our demo content (live demo) you need to log in to stampready ( ) and there you must import our themeplate files from stampready folder. If you finish, you will have access to builder stampready.
In mailster archive ( we have included files compatible with Maislter plugin for Wordpress. Just upload the archive as a template to your plugin and start build through Mailster Editor.
Images to replace are in folder 'images'. Remember to keep file names, format and sizes.
To create account you need to visit page and there click option "Sign Up Free".
After you create account and log in to mailchimp you need to click in left page menu Templates, then in top-right corner click Create Template. After those steps you need to chose file you want to upload to server. If you done, go to next and locate file in your computer and click upload. Thats all, your template are ready to use.
To create account you need to visit page and there click option "Register".
After you create account and log in to stampready you need to click in right page button "new campaign" or in center of screen "create your first campaign", then in top-right corner click Import. After those steps you need to chose file you want to upload to server (it's zip file from folder stampready). If you done, go to next and locate file in your computer and click upload. Thats all, your template are ready to use.
Use right click mouse button on email file then choose edit in text editor or notepad. If the view isn't clear try to download notepad++ and do this same.
The structure of files is almost same as files for mailchimp editor. We create responsive site of this mail template by using floating tables. In files of mailchimp we add new lines of code for new features editor what let you change in mailchimp builder all section this email template.
Open file, go to preheader section, you need change the old text for new. A preheader is the text following the subject line when an email is previewed. A preheader is one of the first three items a subscriber sees when viewing an email.
Open file, go to line in section like background="images/background_banner.jpg" and
src="images/background_banner.jpg" and change to your images. REMEMBER that programs not always
generate links for background so you need to upload photos on serwer and paste direct link to
photos so it will look like
First, paste your new logo to images folder, the name must be logo and format png (logo.png) or you must change this images/logo.png in code. If your logo have another width, you need to change width parameters , width and height.
Try to add new file images with the same width and height then old files in folder images.
Just follow our comments in code and you will able to easly duplicate new sections.
Just go to code, search section that you would like to change color and change code bgcolor="color".
If you need to change another text , text color ,border button just
find section and look on comments in section, that will help you with change all option
email template.
If you want, you can use our Email Builder to edit contents and colors of template. It is free for use,
just create account here and active this template in user panel.