Basic Checkboxes

Custom Checkboxes

Add .custom-control .custom-checkboxas a single wrapper and add .custom-control-labelfor better output.

Custom Colored Checkboxes

To change the color of the Custom CheckBoxes,use the .bg-{colorName}with .custom-control-inputclass.

Colored Checkboxes

To change the color of the checkBox,use the checkbox-{colorName}for primary,secondary,success,danger,info,warning.

Checkboxes Glow

Use class .checkbox-glowclass with .checkbox.checkbox-{colorName}for glow effect to Checkboxes. Glow shadow color will be changed according to Colored Checkboxes.

Checkboxes Shadow

Use class .checkbox-shadowclass with .checkboxfor shadow effect to Checkboxes.

Checkboxes with Icons

Use .checkbox-iconwith .checkboxclass to change the internal icon inside the checkbox.

Checkboxes Sizes

To add a checkBox with different sizes,we have the .checkbox-smclass for small Checkboxes. Add it alongwith .checkboxclass.


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7:45 AM

Hey John,I am looking for the best admin template.

Could you please help me to find it out? ??

7:50 AM

Stack admin is the responsive bootstrap 4 admin template.

8:01 AM