Required Input Validation

Attribute Reference

data-parsley-validateParsley the validator looks at all data-parsley-validate occurrences in DOM on document load and automatically binds them if valid.
requiredValidates that a required field has been filled with a non blank value.

Email Validates

Checkbox Validation

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Attribute Reference

data-parsley-validateParsley the validator looks at all data-parsley-validate occurrences in DOM on document load and automatically binds them if valid.
requiredValidates that a required field has been filled with a non blank value.
data-parsley-mincheck="2"Validates that a certain minimum number of checkboxes in a group are checked.
data-parsley-class-handler="#cbWrapper"Specify the existing DOM container where ParsleyUI should add error and success classes.
data-parsley-errors-container="#cbErrorContainer"Specify the existing DOM container where ParsleyUI should put the errors.

Selectbox Validation

Attribute Reference

data-parsley-validateParsley the validator looks at all data-parsley-validate occurrences in DOM on document load and automatically binds them if valid.
requiredValidates that a required field has been filled with a non blank value.
data-parsley-class-handler="#slWrapper"Specify the existing DOM container where ParsleyUI should add error and success classes.
data-parsley-errors-container="#slErrorContainer"Specify the existing DOM container where ParsleyUI should put the errors.

Custom Layout Validation

Custom Style Error Validation

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Class Reference

class="parsley-input"To have a custom styled error message,make sure you wrapped the input wit this class. See code above for reference.

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